Thursday, 25 October 2018

Making Connections

My Reflection

I am learning to make connections. I was able to connect one idea from the song to the book fish in the tree. I found this easy because the song described Ally. My next step is to make connections to other characters in the story.

Fred The Avocado- 6 Sentence Story

My Reflection

I am learning to write a 6 sentence story.  I 
was able to use more adjectives in my story.  I found this easy because I already had some ideas. My next step is to write a 4 sentence story.

Story Map

My Reflection

I am learning to identify the structural features of a narrative. I was able to find the main plot. I found this easy because it was easy to find the main points in the story.  My next step is to find better reasons in the story.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Tell me the time

My Reflection

I am learning to tell the time.  I was able to move the hour and minute hand to show the correct time. I found this easy because I know how to tell the time with clocks.  My next step is to tell the time with word problems.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Fish in a Tree-SDL

My Reflection

I am learning to make a prediction based on the cover and the blurb. I was able to find the main events in the blurb and cover. I found this tricky because when it said what does fish in a tree mean i didn't really know. My next step is to practise summarising more.